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什物 a kind of café

什物 a kind of café  ,中文音同”食物“,也取”什錦“豐富多樣之意,2011年於台北安和信義開設咖啡雜貨店鋪起家,藉由咖啡廳一般的溫暖空間,用美味的食物令人們舒適自在的聚集在一起,café不只是一杯咖啡,也是一種時空,像法式沙龍依樣能讓人放鬆交談交流的空間與時光。2015於同一街區轉型開放為工作室形式,舉辦季節性食堂、講座工作坊、主題市集、烹飪課程,希望愉快能成為一種習慣,“From habit to happiness”是我們的核心概念,是一種追求恆常幸福的練習。2018年“uulin by a kind of café”以原創印花為主軸的副牌開展,不僅花色讓人感到有精神又快樂,數量有限也讓這些小物件變得跟你一樣獨一無二:) 

A Kind of café opened its doors in 2011 at Taipei’s Xinyi Anhe location, offering cozy homemade meals, desserts and curated lifestyle objects. A kind of café isn’t just about a cup of coffee, it is a time capsule, a salon, a cushy warm space where people can relax, mingle, and enjoy a comfy time together. 

In 2015, on the same street at its new open studio, A Kind started hosting seasonal pop-up delis, fabric dyeing workshops, themed selected object fairs, cooking classes, and various activities surrounding the dining table, hoping to make these joyful moments into an everyday lifestyle practice. A kind believes the pursuit of happiness begins with repeating joyful happenings, making them into a habit- “From habit to happiness.” 

In 2018, the sub-brand "uulin by A kind cafe" is created for the original fabric design accessories. The playful patterns of these limited design accessories cheer you on and make you one of A Kind.